Museum exhibition

Die 90er Jahre

Peter Friedl, Werner Reiterer, Heimo Zobernig
Wien Museum MUSA, Vienna, Austria
24 April 2018 - 20 January 2019

It was a time of upheaval in Europe: the Iron Curtain had fallen, and the Cold War was over. As globalisation gained momentum, Vienna moved closer to the limelight of international events. The situation was perfectly illustrated by art itself, and Vienna became the focal point of a European cultural scene that was opening up to the East. Diversity in all artistic media was the defining characteristic of the decade.

On a breadth unprecedented, the exhibition entitled ‘The 1990s’ on show at the Wien Museum MUSA offers a panoramic view of Vienna’s art scene at the time, across three consecutive acts featuring a total of 255 works by 245 artists. Through a rich mix of artistic media that includes painting, sculpture, photography, performance art and video art, it examines issues relating to politics, Vergangenheitsaufarbeitung [i.e. the political and societal process of coming to terms with the past], the environment, xenophobia, gender as well as kitsch and irony.

MUSA’s series of decade-based exhibitions represents a cross-section through one of Austria’s largest collections of contemporary art; and with the 1990s, that series now covers no less than half a century.

Curators | Brigitte Borchhardt-Birbaumer, Berthold Ecker

For more information please visit Wien Museum MUSA.

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