Margaret Harrison: Danser sur les Missiles
Margaret Harrison (1940, England) is considered an influential figure in the feminist art movement in Great Britain. For more than 50 years, this socially engaged artist has developed a realm of thought honing in on the notions of social class and gender.
Margaret Harrison is an artist and activist who is determined to expose the structural violence that manifests itself in the professional and domestic spheres, as well as in art history and popular culture. For the past fifty years, she has vigorously defied the gender and social class gap by feminising men's bodies. She has reversed the power structures conveyed by society and the media by employing exaggeration, parody and subversion.
The exhibition Danser sur les Missiles highlights the diversity of Harrison's practice as an artist with installations, paintings, drawings and texts. Harrison continues to challenge the visual canons that shape the representation of women in society.
Curator: Fanny Gonella, Director 49 Nord 6 Est - FRAC Lorraine
For more information please visit BPS22.