be one of us
Augmented reality project
18 digital mushroom models, 246 textures
sound and choreography 5'07" (loop)
commissioned by Roche, Basel (ch)
curated by Sabine Himmelsbach
This AR project in urban space was conceived for ARTour in the city of Basel. ARTour is a gift to the city on the occasion of Roche's 125th anniversary, curated by Sabine Himmelsbach. Ten international artists/groups were invited to realize AR projects at different locations in the city center under the motto "celebrate life".
Above the square at the foot of Spalenberg, six mushrooms dance to a weird polka soundtrack. Their synchronous movements are animated in a loop of about 5 minutes. These mushrooms celebrate the coexistence of organisms with a street party. Their expression as communal beings – the parliament of their republic, so to speak – is to dance in circles and celebrate.
When visitors open the viewer app on their devices, objects and surfaces are randomly selected to create individual combinations for each viewer. The voices on the music track invite us to join the mushrooms and become a bit more mushroom-like ourselves.
For more information please visit "ARTour".