- Dates27 February 2015 - 25 April 2015
- Artists
to slide on satin or stumble over a suction cup
Cronenberg says: I am real, this is real, the world is real. And nobody laughs.
boundary between real and virtual word-image
real and virtual context word-material
real and virtual place word-sound
[appropriation] word-event
Departing from the mouth-anus, to come across Bella, to stumble over a suction cup, swizzz, whooff, chtong, ouch!
26.02.2015, four artists for one proposal.
Man lives in a gravity-ridden world that maintains him to the ground and gives him a bidimensional view of the environment. From this two-dimensional space ensue a specific architecture of thought, constraints, a reality.
Human beings may be seen as lines, with at one end a head, and at the other feet attached to the ground. Gravity, like the opposition between our feet and our head, gives direction to our universe.
Either we go up, or we go down,
Either we move forward, or we move back,
There is no in-between, no third position.
No other position. But for those who are our age and share our geography, the alternative is a virtual one. It promises an attempt at forgetting that high is the opposite of low and that right, like left, need not intervene in this relation. What is virtual, like the intuition of a global, intensive vision composed of an infinite and infinitely open space; freedom 2.0, after the failure of Steve Job, of the hippies and LSD.
... half skeptical, half stoic, he found himself imagining how to use this mandatory/optional reality to his advantage.
>>> The term reality designates that which is perceived as tangible, as opposed to that which is imagined, dreamed or fictitious. Virtuality is linked to a potential state which may be actualized... or to the computer's universe, it depends. <<<
Virtual reality head-mounted displays, second life, avatars, generalized interconnections, today reality and virtuality may no longer be these two very hermetically separated worlds, which have hitherto accompanied our western societies. Between new technologies, new conceptions of reality and new discourses, the line is getting muddied, the boundary becomes blurry. For generation Y, the world is partly virtual. It is a given, internalized and processed; virtuality is part of reality.
Yoan Mudry's proposal brings together works which tend to these questions. However, no USB cables are to be found here, no code, no pixels. A sole 3D rendering treated as video. That is because the questioning is not to be illustrated. The artists do not attempt to reveal a reality but to the contrary they propose a profound appropriation of it. Each puts in place a virtuality that is different, personal, linked to both an aesthetic tradition and a contemporary universe.
>>> Tonight on our screens <<<
[Art must tend to what is real, meanwhile questioning all conceptions of what is real. It always transforms reality into a facade, a representation, and a construction. But it asks the
question of why this construction?]
[Reality would only exist through our mental images. These images are not only representations of a material reality, but also reality itself.]
>>> Special guest: Cronenberg <<<
... he turns back and looks at the proposal. Between bizarre seduction, porno chic and plumbing, he thinks to himself that the organic side is just a part of virtuality's real counterpart.
Roxane Bovet, 2015
The Grand Old Face Of The Plateau
Ceel Mogami de Haas2014Video, color, 0:30 min., loop, memory stick
Edition of 4 -
Negative Hands II / The Difficult Whole
Ceel Mogami de Haas2014Wood, adhesive vinyle film, inox, sound (23"46", loop), inclusive speaker, memory stick
180 x 168 x 1,3 cm / 200 x 168 x 1,3 cm
William C. Peeps III
Andreas Hochuli2015Acrylic on canvas
100 x 160 cm -
Negative Hands I / The Difficult Whole
Ceel Mogami de Haas2014Wood, adhesive vinyle film, inox, sound (23"46", loop), inclusive speaker, memory stick
180 x 168 x 1,3 cm / 200 x 168 x 1,3 cm -
Sounds for the plugs
Hannah Weinberger20158 x audio loops, x mini, ipod shuffles, various duration: 3:15 - 14 min.
Edition of 3

Ceel Mogami de Haas
Born In Selebi Phikwe, Botswana (1982), lives and works in Amsterdam. Ceel Mogami de Haas’ work spans a range of media, from sculpture, drawing, writing, and artist’s books to installation and video art. He co-founded the artists-run-space One Gee In Fog in Geneva.

Andreas Hochuli
Andreas Hochuli (*1982, Zurich) first studied art history, philosophy and literature at the University of Lausanne, before obtaining a Bachelor’s degree in Visual Arts from the ECAL/ University of Art and Design in Lausanne. Andreas Hochuli presented his work at the Kunsthaus Langenthal, the Swiss Institute of New York and at the Basis, Frankfurt. He was granted a Swiss Art Awards in 2014. Régulation des temps et des émotions was recently published in collaboration with Tristan Lavoyer on the occasion of the exhibition Et ma maman m’a dit at the contemporary arts center Circuit in Lausanne.

Yoan Mudry
Yoan Mudry (b.1990, Lausanne, CH) is a multi-disciplinary artist, currently living in Geneva. He studied at HEAD in Geneva where he graduated with a MFA in 2014. His work focuses on an attempt to understand the mechanisms of the flux of images, narrations and informations that are surrounding our world.