Nadja KirschgartenOhne TitelPublished by modo Verlag Freiburg, 2023Read more
Markéta OthováComing SoonPublished by National Gallery Prague, 2022Read more
Peter FriedlOn Peter FriedlPublished by Walther König, 2022Read more
Markus MüllerRauchPublished by Edition Fink, 2022Read more
Josef HerzogUntitled 1964–1998Published by Edition Patrick Frey, 2022Read more
Walter SwennenDas Phantom der Malerei / The Phantom of PaintingPublished by Hannibal books, 2021Read more
Walter SwennenToo Many WordsPublished by Xafier Hufkens, 2021Read more
Rudolf MaeglinRudolf Maeglin. PainterPublished by Christoph Merian Verlag, 2021Read more
Heimo ZobernigPublished by Verlag der Buchhandlung Walther und Franz König Köln, 2021Read more
Francesco BaroccoSul principio di contraddizione/ On the Principle of ContradictionPublished by Viaindustriae publishing, 2021Read more
Karsten FödingerToward a Radical SculpturePublished by Dr. Cantz’sche Verlagsgesellschaft mbH & Co. KG, 2021Read more
Lin May SaeedArrival of the AnimalsPublished by the Clark Art Institute, 2020Read more
Peter FriedlRehousingPublished by Sternberg Press, Kunsthalle Wien, 2020Read more
Werner ReitererTake a Walk on the Mind Side!Published by Verlag für moderne Kunst, 2020Read more
Yoan MudryCollection Cahiers d’Artists 2019 Nr. 148Published by Pro Helvetia, 2019Read more
Silvia BächliShiftPublished by Kerber Verlag, 2019Read more
Luisanna González QuattriniAccroupissementsPublished by art&fiction, Lausanne, 2019Read more
Lin May SaeedMetamorphosesPublished by Castello di Rivoli Museo d’Arte Contemporanea, Torino, 2018Read more
Simone HolligerCollection permanentePublished by Collection Service Après-Vente, Fondation AHEAD, 2018Read more
Benedikt HippBlind FaithPublished by Prestel, 2018Read more
Klaus MerkelLet's talk abstractPublished by Distanz, Berlin, 2018Read more
Georg HeroldDa wo die ... / where the ...Published by Snoeck Verlag, 2017Read more
Heimo ZobernigHIER UND JETZT im Museum Ludwig: Heimo ZobernigPublished by Walther König, 2017Read more
Jürg StäubleMehr sein als SystemPublished by Hatje Cantz, 2017Read more
Claudio MoserI Come From the Other SidePublished by Roma Publications, Amsterdam , 2017Read more
Emil Michael KleinPublished by Edition Patrick Frey, Zürich, 2017Read more
Thomas GeigerBricks to PerformPublished by Mark Pezinger, Vienna, 2017Read more
Maria Magdalena Z'GraggenLuminous FluxPublished by Verlag für moderne Kunst, 2016Read more
Diango HernándezTheoretical BeachPublished by Distanz, Berlin, 2016Read more
Heimo ZobernigBooks & Posters Catalogue raisonné 1980-2015Published by Verlag der Buchhandlung Walther König, 2016Read more
Heimo ZobernigKunsthaus BregenzPublished by Kunsthaus Bregenz, 2016Read more
Walter SwennenNe Quid NimisPublished by Zonder Titel, 2016Read more
Walter SwennenHic Haec HocPublished by Xavier Hufkens, 2016Read more
Dominik SittigDie anwesenden ElternPublished by Motto Books, Geneva, 2015Read more
Walter SwennenWorks On PaperPublished by Xavier Hufkens, Brussels, 2015Read more
Benedikt HippIch habe meinen Augen nicht getraut, auch meinen Ohren nichtPublished by Kerber Verlag, Berlin, 2015Read more
Viktor KolářHumanPublished by Only Photography, 2015Read more
Eric HattanEric Hattan Works. Werke Œuvres 1979–2015Published by Holzwarth Publications, Berlin, 2015Read more
Heimo ZobernigAustrian Pavilion, Biennale Arte 2015Published by Walther König, Köln, 2015Read more
Stephan MelzlPublished by Distanz, Berlin, 2014Read more
Klaus MerkelhornbookPublished by Snoeck, Köln, 2014Read more
Heimo ZobernigMudam Luxembourg, KestnergesellschaftPublished by Verlag für moderne Kunst, Vienna, 2014Read more
Dominik SittigTill Megerle, Dominik Sittig: INVOLTEPublished by Textem Verlag, Hamburg, 2013Read more
Peter FriedlÜber Peter FriedlPublished by Wiels, Motto Books, 2013Read more
Walter SwennenSo Far So GoodPublished by Wiels, Brussels, 2013Read more
Heimo ZobernigPublished by Walther König, Cologne, 2013Read more
Michael KunzeHalkyonische Tage / Halcyon DaysPublished by Buchhandlung Walther König, 2013Read more
Atta KwamiKumasi Realism 1951–2007: An African ModernismPublished by Hurst, 2013Read more
Georg HeroldMultiple ChoicePublished by Snoeck, 2012Read more
Dominik SittigREPRISE I & IIPublished by Textem Verlag, Hamburg, 2012Read more
Heimo Zobernigohne Titel (in Red)Published by Kunsthalle Zürich, 2011Read more
Peter FriedlSecret Modernity. Selected Writings and Interviews 1981–2009Published by Sternberg Press, Extra City Kunsthal Antwerpen, 2010Read more
Markéta OthováPublished by Verlag der Buchhandlung Walther König, 2010Read more
Matthew AntezzoDoppelpunktPublished by Argobooks, 2010Read more
Claudio Mosernowhere near far enoughPublished by Hatje Cantz Verlag, 2010Read more
Peter FriedlPlaygroundsPublished by Steidl, 2008Read more
Walter SwennenHow to paint a horsePublished by Cultuurcentrum Mechelen, 2008Read more
Thomas BaumannBalancing the wrong and the truePublished by Folio Verlag Vienna, 2008Read more
Joanne GreenbaumPaintingsPublished by Hatje Cantz Verlag, 2008Read more
Werner ReitererRaw LoopPublished by The Speed Art Museum, Vienna, 2008Read more
Michael KunzeLes Messieurs d’AvignonPublished by DuMont, Köln, 2007Read more
Markus MüllerNutzen und NachteilPublished by Edition Fink, 2006Read more
Monica Studer / Christoph van den BergSomewhere else is the same placePublished by Edition Fink, 2006Read more
Klaus MerkelThe Most Contemporary Picture Show, ActuallyPublished by Verlag für moderne Kunst Nürnberg, 2006Read more
Peter FriedlWork 1964-2006Published by Museu d’Art Contemporani de Barcelona, 2006Read more
Thomas BaumannPublished by Walther Konig, 2005Read more
Walter SwennenPIF2004Read more
Silvia BächliLidschlag, How It LooksPublished by Lars Müller Publishers, 2004Read more
Monica Studer / Christoph van den BergBeing a guestPublished by Christoph Merian Verlag, 2003Read more
Heimo ZobernigAusstellung KaterlogPublished by Verlag der Buchhandlung Walther König, 2003Read more
Michael KunzeTexte ohne Verben /Texts without verbsPublished by Salon Verlag, 2002Read more
Markus MüllerPublished by Museum fur Gegenwartskunst Basel, 2002Read more
Bernard PiffarettiPublished by Art.C, 2002Read more
Peter FriedlPublished by Revolver Verlag, 2001Read more
Angela de la CruzPublished by Anthony Wilkinson Gallery, 2001Read more
Atta KwamiAtta Kwami (Kunsthalle Basel / Kataloge)Published by Schwabe, 2001Read more
Markéta OthováRealized projects 1994-2001Published by CzechFront Gallery, 2001Read more
Monica Studer / Christoph van den BergA walk, a ride, a liftPublished by Christoph Merian, 2001Read more
Matthew AntezzoPublished by Basilico Fine Arts, 1998Read more