Joanne GreenbaumPaintings
Paintings by New York artist Joanne Greenbaum (*1953) combine systematic coolness with expressivity, and strict structure with easy, expressive color. Her work succeeds in opening up entirely new possibilities for painting as a medium: geometric and organic shapes intersect within a complexly composed visual space that also features echoes of Constructivism and cartoon aesthetics.
Few contemporary artists are so skilled in uniting purely formal, playful, and metaphysical elements, or at making use of the various aspects of modern art in order to come up with something entirely their own, something completely fresh and new. This comprehensive publication introduces the incredibly vital oeuvre of this extraordinary painter.
Exhibition schedule: Haus Konstruktiv, Zurich, March 6–May 4, 2008 · Städtisches Museum Abteiberg Mönchengladbach, June 15–August 24, 2008